Thursday, December 22, 2005

Bath Salts

Are done. I made 4 containers. One for Corinne, my mom, Jason's mom, and Denise.

I made vanilla lavender and camomille. I had some left over so I can take a bath tonight and test them out. Jason's mom should like them because she can add it to the hot tub if she wants. It's just epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda with some fragrance in there.

Those gifts are going to be from the kids.

I also got the rice krispie treats done. I just have to dip them in white chocolate tomorrow. Yay! I'm almost done.


jkhenson said...

holy cow, girl, you're kicking butt! I checked the blog this morning and saw the to-do list...then tonight it's almost done. Wow! Good work! :) You are definintely ready to spread holiday cheer! :)

jkhenson said...

How was the Christmas? Did you get it all done? Hope the holidays are going smoothly, and less painfully! Jen

Christy said...

Yes, I got everything done in time. Everything went really well and everyone really liked their gifts. How was your Christmas? Was santa good this year?